I first heard about fighting poison with poison as a child from a Kung fu movie.
The hero was struck with a poison fist technique and an old herbalist healed him with medicine made from snakes, scorpions, and poisonous toads.
As adults, we know that antivenom made from snake venom is how we cure snake bites.
The theory behind the Kambo Cleanse, or Frog Poison Cleanse is similar: The poison from a frog can combat the poisons and toxins that have built up in your body.
The Kambo Cleanse is said to be used by indigenous cultures in the Amazon giving it a captivating backstory.
As a cleansing coach with more than a decade of experience I’ve seen many bizarre cleanses and detoxes. The Kambo Cleanse is by far the strangest. It’s also one of the most dangerous.
Frog venom can be deadly and must be handled with the utmost care.
There’s also an element of animal cruelty that I do not care for. The process of extracting frog venom for the Kambo Cleanse is not a gentle one as you can see…
Kambo Cleanse Benefits:
The reported benefits you’ll get from doing a Kambo Cleanse are typical of many cleanses and detoxes.
- Strength your immune system
- Purge internal toxins
- Look younger
- Fights disease
- Eases joint pain
Practitioners also claim more esoteric benefits such as expelling negative energy they call “panema.”
I’m skeptical of the last one, and the other benefits can be achieved with a simple juice cleanse or master cleanse.
Sure, a juice cleanse or master cleanse isn’t exotic, and you won’t dazzle your fiends a cocktail party by telling them about it. But they work, they’re easy to do, and they don’t involve messing with frog venom that could seriously hurt you.
You also don’t have to torment animals to do a juice cleanse or master cleanse.
Kambo Cleanse Video
Here’s a good video that gives you some background on the Kambo Cleanse and shows the no-so-pleasant experience someone had by doing the Kambo Cleanse.
As a cleansing coach I can not advise anyone to try this.
Sorry but you don’t know what you are talking about. Respect ancient indigenous lineages enough to learn rather than post some sensationist western video that shows the worst representation. Why not post video of your personal experience with medicine people from the south? Did you include science that shows zero toxicity of this substance? Did you provide any reason for your claim it can be deadly? Your article is culturally judgmental and scientifically inaccurate.
uhhhh wow
I read your article about the Kambo Ceramony and I feel if you haven’t experienced you shouldn’t make such comments. I understand we all have an opinion but you haven’t experienced it. I was very skeptical about Kambo at first but I didn’t let that hold me back. I did it and yes it was intense but the what I received and released was well worth it. Everyone has there own path and journey just because you haven’t opened your mind to something different and out of your norm don’t misguide people with such a harsh opinion to something you haven’t experienced for yourself.
I was going to comment the same thing actually. Ive done kambo a handful of times and began serving myself as well. It is profoundly beautiful, and as long as youre with someone who is expirienced the outcome is 100 percent beneficial to your body mind and soul.