Goal Setting For Weight Loss

Setting measurable and reachable goals for yourself can give a clear focus to your weight loss efforts. Goal setting is one the oldest and most popular success technique because it really does work.

Yet, many people struggle their entire lives with setting and reaching goals. They don’t know how to set goals that they’re likely to reach and they don’t know how to go about making those goals a reality. Instead they spend their entirely lives setting goals that never materialize. It can get a little depressing over the years.

The truth is that you are much more likely to lose weight if you have a clear goal in mind. Here are a few tips on how to set and meet your weight loss goals:

Set a measurable goal. For example, instead of setting a goal that says, “I want to lose weight,” set a goal that is specific and includes a timeline for meeting that goal. This way you know exactly what you want to accomplish and when you want to accomplish it.

A weight loss goal might be “I lose 25 lbs. on or before January 1st.” This goal clearly states exactly how much weight you want to lose and your goal date for losing that weight.

Set reasonable goals. It’s important to set goals that you can realistically meet. Otherwise, failure to meet your goals can make it difficult to set new goals and feel confident that you can meet them.

Therefore, don’t set a goal to lose 40 pounds in two weeks. It’s not realistic and it’s not healthy. Be sure that the amount of weight you want to lose is realistic for your current weight and commit to doing it in a reasonable time frame.

Develop detailed action steps for reaching your goal. In addition to setting a long term weight loss goal, also set weekly or even daily goals that you want to accomplish on a short term basis. A large weight loss goal can seem overwhelming and even impossible. But if you break it down into smaller steps, it seems much more manageable.

If you set a weekly goal to lose five pounds, decide how you’re going to meet that goal. Plan your work outs and meals for the week. Armed with a plan, you’re much more likely to meet that goal.

Attach a reward or risk to your goal. Motivation to reach your goal can be difficult to muster if there’s no risk or reward associated with meeting the goal. If you’re looking forward to a new wardrobe or privilege when you meet your goal, you’re motivated to reach it. Just make sure your reward isn’t food!

But some people aren’t motivated by rewards. They need to have a risk involved with not reaching that goal. If you have a favorite television show, commit that you won’t watch it for six months if you don’t meet your goal. Or commit to giving something up that you enjoy for a period of time. Either way, associating a risk or reward with your goal can make the process fun and raise you motivation.

There are people that commit their entire lives to the practice and study of goal-setting. But with these few simple tips, you can create a weight loss goal that you’ll actually meet. And won’t that feel amazing.

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