Categories: detoxing

Dealing With Bad Breath

One of the less talked about side effects of the master cleanse is bad breath. As your body starts to detox you’ll sometimes come down with a case of fowl smelling breath which isn’t a bad thing because it means the cleanse is doing its job, but it can be embarrassing none the less.

Here’s a few tips for dealing with bad breath on the master cleanse:

    • Use a tongue scraper: A white coating on your tongue
      is a sure sign your body is starting to detox. This white coating is also filled with bad breath causing bacteria. If you use a disposable tongue scraper which are sold in most stores you can remove this white coating.
    • Gargle with green tea: In addition to being very good for you green tea can also help get rid of bad breath. Just brew up a cup and let it cool then rinse your mouth out with it after you scrape your tongue.

These two things, along with daily brushing and flossing should help keep bad breath to a minimum.


View Comments (3)

  • i want to start cleanse on dec 27 for 10 days, i will be home by myself and only minimum commitments, i am scared of the smells during meetings etc.

    i am hopeful this will be start of good things...mentally and physically, was that the case for you fionna?

  • Hi, Jori. You will need to go to a whole foods or a health store to find the organic maple syrup. Make sure you purchase the grade B quality. I am on my 8th day of the cleanse and I have experienced a whole lot, so if you have any more questions feel free to ask away. Good luck on your journey.


  • hii , iam gonna start the cleansing 10 days diet for the first time tomorrow but i cant find the maple syrup , only the one for the pancakes , are there any suggestions to replace it ?

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