Cleansing Your Colon With The Master Cleanse

In addition to eating high fiber foods, using enemas, and taking oral herbal cleanses the Master Cleanse is a very effective way to cleanse your colon. The Master Cleanse was developed by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940’s. The corner stone of the cleanse is a lemonade drink made from lemons, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup.

The Master Cleanse is typically done for 10 days, but you can get some fantastic results in as few as 3 days. You can speed up the cleansing by adding some of the laxatives I’m going to tell you about in a minute.

One thing to consider is if you are taking certain medications, they can be too strong for your system during the fast because you are not consuming any solid foods. If you are taking medications or have any other health concerns it’s best to check with your doctor before starting the Master Cleanse.

The Master Cleanse Recipe

The following drink should be drunk roughly every two hours during the day. Make sure you use fresh ingredients and that the maple syrup is grade B.

2 tbsp lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
2 tbsp maple syrup (grade B)
A small amount (1/10th teaspoon) of Cayenne pepper .
1 cup of water

You can drink the lemonade cold or hot like a tea. Unlike a traditional fast this drink does contain the necessary nutrients and minerals to help cleanse your system, and provide enough sustenance to live on. It is restrictive, but you are not living off zero calories.

Adding Laxatives To Better Cleanses Your Colon

In the evening and morning you should take a salt water flush. This helps break up toxic material and stool that has adhered to the mucous lining of the colon and flush it away. It moves quite quickly through your system so it’s best to set aside a few hours when you first use this so you can see how your body responds.

Salt water flush recipe:

2 teaspoons of salt (uniodinized)
1 quart of water

Warm the water enough to dissolve salt. Drink a cup in the evening and in the morning upon rising.

In addition to, or in place of the salt water flush you can use an herbal laxative such as “Smooth Move” tea. This is much more pleasant tasting then the salt water, but is not quite as effective. My advice is to at least try the salt water once a day if you can, but if you can’t get it down, or you can’t have too much salt in your diet then go ahead and use the herbal laxatives.

You can also add psyllium husk or Bentonite clay to the lemonade to cleanse your colon even further. This won’t taste very good, but it will definitely help remove any built up waste that’s lining the inside of your colon.

When you’re ready to go off the Master Cleanse, you must slowly work back up to normal foods. The reason is that your body has been cleansed and is healing and rebuilding itself and will be very sensitive during this healing time. You should drink fresh fruit juices until your body seems ready for more solid foods (usually 3 days). After you have introduced juices, then start adding yogurt and vegetable broth. You can then work in fruits and vegetables when you feel your body is ready.

One thing you must do is drink plenty of water throughout the entire cleaning process. Try to get at least 100 ounces, but the more the better. This not only prevents dehydration, but helps keep your body’s ph balanced, and helps flush toxins out of your body.

If you’re curious about what else the Master Cleanse can do, besides keeping your colon healthy this blog post has over 200 comments from people all over the World sharing their thoughts on the cleanse.


View Comments (10)

  • Heyy, this isn't really a question, more-so a comment. I am 19 years old, and just started my first round with the Master Cleanse today! I'm really excited and my house has never been so bare with food! I'm only aiming for five days, but if I make it that far, and feel great, I'm going for the other five. Just wanted to say, thank you so much for all the help and information! It's made my information hunting before the decision much, much easier!

  • I have a question- today is day 4 for me and after doing the salt water and taking the psyllium and hoodia capsules develop diarrhea that I can't control. Am I doing to much at one time? Should I stop the MC?

  • It's day four for me and I'm feeling great but I haven't had a real bowel movement despite two SWF's and a herbal laxative. do you have any advice for me? Should I be doing something more?

  • How do you know when the toxins have all gotten out of your body, is 10 days the magic number? I am not sure when to stop the Master CLeanse, I want to be completely cleaned out of the toxins...how will I know? Thanx

  • Why would you add psyllium husk & bentonite clay IN YOUR LEMONAID? Bentonite clay ABSORBS nutrients so you would be starving yourself. Drink the p/b mix at least ONE HOUR before you drink anything with nutrients in it.

    I think you need to do a bit more research.

  • I just have a laxative question. I am on day 4, and I have experienced nothing but small, runny eliminations and abdominal cramping from the Smooth Move tea and absolutely zero effect from the salt water flushes, no eliminations whatsoever. And, I read on the tea box (today) that one should discontinue use "if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain because senna leaf may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health." Well, I just figured it was a side affect of the Master Cleanse, I didn't know it was detrimental to my health! Is this true? How dangerous is senna? I feel fine other than the cramping and want to continue. Any suggestions???

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