20 Keys To Happiness – Author Unknown
I came across this list in a book and must have read, and re-read it a dozen times. I went online to see who authored this list and found it attributed to the Dali Lama, an anonymous monk, and a email chain letter sent back in 1999. Regardless of who wrote it I think you’ll […]
Video: Colon Cleansing
If you’re thinking about doing a colon flush, but don’t want to use ingestible methods like laxatives or fiber supplements, or do the master cleanse then you might be interested in colon hydrotherapy. Colon hydrotherapy (also know as an enema) is best done under the supervision of a professional. There are home enema kits, but […]
Cleansing Your Colon With The Master Cleanse
In addition to eating high fiber foods, using enemas, and taking oral herbal cleanses the Master Cleanse is a very effective way to cleanse your colon. The Master Cleanse was developed by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940’s. The corner stone of the cleanse is a lemonade drink made from lemons, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup. […]
Colon Cleansing: How Long and What To Expect

(picture of colon) If you ever changed the oil in your car or seen it done, you may notice something about the oil. When you pour oil into your engine, it is clear translucent tan color. When it comes out of your engine during an oil change, it is not so pretty. It is dark, […]
Video On Detoxing Your Body
Here’s a video I found on Youtube that’s a good introduction to detoxing your body. The rate our society has introduced toxic substances into our environment has far exceeded the rate at which our body can adapt and evolve efficient bodily systems to remove them. That’s why it’s a good idea to follow a full […]