Get in Shape with the Nintendo WII

The Wii Fit hit the stores in the spring of 2008 and has been extremely popular ever since. Go to any retailer and you will be lucky to actually find one in stock. The Wii Fit follows the video game philosophy behind the Wii to a “T”, and promises to help you get off the […]

How To Quickly Lose 10 Pounds Without Suffering

How To Quickly Lose 10 Pounds Without Suffering Halve-it: This is simple science, if you are only eating half the calories you normally consume, you will lose weight. Portion control is one of the best ways to shed weight quickly. Don’t change what you eat; just eat exactly half of what you would normally eat […]

Losing Weight By Grazing

Today I got a question about losing weight by “grazing”, or eating many (usually 6) small meals a day. The weight loss advantage is that this keeps your metabolism running in high gear as opposed to not eating anything all day then breaking down and gorging which is what a lot of dieters tend to […]

Graze instead of gorge

To get through the day without the crash and burn that comes from eating a big meal you should try snacking on smaller meals throughout the day. Foods like almonds, fruit, vegetables, or half portions of your regular meals will keep your hunger at bay without weighing you down. Another benefit to eating 5 or […]

What Else Works Besides The Master Cleanse

As anyone who’s tried the Master Cleanse knows it can be challenging. Today a reader asked if there’s anything else you could do besides the Master Cleanse to bring about health. My name is Adrianne Lewis and I am so proud of you in your weight loss success. I really need help!! I have battled […]

Negative Calorie Eating

Finishing the Master Cleanse is like pushing the reset button on your body. It’s not easy, but you’ll feel light and energized when you’re finished. It’s common to eliminated pounds of waste during when you do the cleanse. What will come out of you is both revolting, and at the same time motivating. Internal waste […]