How To Get Off The Master Cleanse

I got the following question about how to exit the master cleanse, which can be tricky after your body becomes used to the liquid diet. To see how it’s done take a look at the following links: Exiting the master cleanse What to do after the master cleanse How can i get off the Master […]

Losing Weight After The Master Cleanse

For most dieters avoiding their favorite foods is an epic battle of body and mind that you end up losing after a few days of fighting back the overwhelming desire to eat all those foods you know are bad for you. I’ve got good news and bad news. First the bad news. If you don’t […]

What To Do After The Master Cleanse

So you finished the Master Cleanse, and you’re wondering where do I go from here? Here’s a few tips on what to do after the master cleanse. How you break a long fast is extremely important. You need to gradually ease your way back to solid food after having completed a couple of extra days […]

Breaking The Master Cleanse

A reader wrote in about breaking the master cleanse, and had this to say… I just did 7 days on the Master Cleanse and I am gradually starting to eat. Prior to the cleanse, I was chronically constipated my whole life, and I was wondering what I need to do while exiting the cleanse to […]