The Lost Book Of Remedies is a special book.
I’ve been a champion for natural remedies for more than a decade.
Seeing the magic of Mother Nature and her ability to heal first hand was the motivating force that drove me to become a natural health coach and author.
Reviewing books is a task I take seriously. Not many receive my stamp of approval.
As the proud curator of a small library of books filled with ancient medical wisdom I can say that Claude Davis’ book: The Lost Book Of Remedies is special.
Here’s What We’re Going To Cover
You can click these links to jump to the section you want to read:
The Lost Book Of Remedies Review
Every Prepper Should Own A Copy
Wisdom Passed Down From The Greatest Generation
Breathtaking Quality And Pictures
The Lost Book Of Remedies Review
The short review of The Lost Book Of Remedies is that it shows you how to turn nature into your personal pharmacy, and if need be, an emergency room.
It does this by teaching you about the healing and medicinal properties of the plants growing around you.
It will also show you which wild plants are safe to eat.
Inside this book, you’ll discover plant-based cures small and serious health problems.
This is not a book of exotic hard to find natural cures.
As the author, Claude Davis likes to say “The weeds growing in your backyard can be medicine.”
Every healing plant in the Lost Book of Remedies is accompanied by multiple pictures.
Even if you haven’t spent much time outdoors the high-quality pictures in this book can help you identify healing plants.
Extreme care is taken to make sure you know you’ve got the right plant and not a lookalike plant.
As an extra attention to detail, the plants are grouped by type and location.
It’s a serious, yet fun book.
Reading it made me feel like a kid again when our class took a trip to the forest and we learned about all kinds of different plants.
That’s the playful side of the book. It’s fun learning about the healing power of plants.
The serious side of this book is that it imparts the skills to survive situations that would kill most people.
Who Is The Author Claude Davis?

Claude Davis
Claude Davis’ Grandfather was raised by a native American medicine woman who helped nurse him back to health after he fell I’ll.
From a young age, Claude gathered medicinal plants for his Grandfather and studied plant medicine at his foot.
At the end of his life, thousands of people turned up to Claude’s Grandfather’s funeral to pay their respect to a man who imparted the gift of healing onto so many.
Claude has taken his Grandfather’s teachings and released them in this book and another book titled “The Lost Ways.”
I Wish We Didn’t Need This Book
I wish global governments and our medical system took better care of us.
Unfortunately, they don’t.
I’m not a doom and gloomer, but we have to objective about the direction world is headed.
Will there be another depression?
Will there be a civil war?
Will our infrastructure collapse?
I hope not! I’m (somewhat) optimistic about the future, but there is no downside to being over-prepared.
Some would say it’s our patriotic duty master what’s taught in this book so that we have the skills to help our fellow man if we find them in need and mainstream medicine is not available.
The worst case scenario to owning The Lost Book Of Remedies is that you’ll always have a valuable resource handy that you’ll never have to use.
Every Prepper Should Own A Copy Of This Book
If you’re researching this book you’re ahead of the game.
You see what’s happening in the world. The hate. The vitriol. The bloodlust in the air.
The world’s headed in a bad direction and there’s little you are I can do to change its course.
What we can do is prepare.
That’s what this book will help you do.
For example…
Nature’s Antibiotic

The Lost Book Of Remedies reveals a special plant that was used as a natural antibiotic for generations.
If the SHTF penicillin will be worth more than diamonds. People like us won’t be able to get our hands on it. If you’re infected knowing about this plant can save your life.
This plant grows all over North America and can also be used to preserve canned foods from toxic bacteria.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Inside the covers of Claude Davis’ book, you’ll also learn about…
Backyard Weeds That Numb Pain Like Morphine
With this priceless book, nature becomes your own personal (and free) pharmacy
You’ll discover:
- Weeds that numb your pain just like morphine
- Plants that reverse joint damage and arthritis
- Foliage that will lower blood sugar levels
If a crisis hits, life-saving medicine will immediately be hoarded by the ruling class. If that worst case scenario happens you’ll thank the Lord you own this book.
And if we dodge a bullet and tensions around the globe cool down you’ll still sleep better at night knowing that in a survival situation you’re someone fellow citizens can depend on because you’ll have the gift of healing.
You’ll Also Learn Which Plants Are Edible

If you’re ever in a situation where food and water aren’t available knowing what plants you can eat will literally be the most valuable skill in the world.
The Lost Book Of Remedies will prevent you from having to eat shoe leather if you’re ever stuck without food.
Wisdom Passed Down From The Greatest Generation

Claude Davis’ knowledge of healing was passed down to him from his Grandfather.
America was a different place in his Grandfather’s time.
There wasn’t a pill for every problem under the sun.
It was a rugged time, but in a lot of ways a better time.
Grandparents back then knew about natural remedies. They could bring your fever down or settle your upset stomach without a trip to the ER.
These secrets are at risk of being lost to time.
Owning this book allows you to preserve these secrets so you can pass them down to future generations.
If you have kids or grandkids it could be imperative they have this knowledge. We don’t know what the world they grow old in will be like.
Breathtaking Quality And Filled With Pictures

Some scuff at the premium price you’ll pay to own the tome.
The critics spend $8.99 for a dingy little 70 page Amazon Kindle book and think that’s what all book should cost.
Do you expect to pay $4 for a hand-forged Damascus blade with reclaimed wood handle because that’s what some piece of junk knife on Amazon costs?
Of course not.
This book is dripping with quality.
It’s over 300 pages of healing wisdom and filled with color pictures.
I publish books myself and I can tell you that this book costs a fortune to print.
How To Get 2 Free Gifts When You Buy The Lost Book Of Remedies
You have to pick up The Lost Book Of Remedies from Claude Davis’ website if you want these gifts included when you order.
I don’t know about how you feel about this, but I would rather buy directly from the author than from an online book monopoly who will scalp a huge percentage of the sale and harvest your customer data.
Your first gift is a report titled “The 72 Square-Feet Medicinal Garden.”
If you have a small patch of land available this report will show you how to turn it into a natural medicine cabinet.
You’ll discover how to grow and harvest all the best medicinal plants all from a tiny plot of dirt.
The second gift you’ll receive when you order The Lost Book Of Remedies could save your life one day.
It’s a report titled: “Disaster Medicine: A Handbook for When Help Is NOT on the Way”
If society collapses or natural disaster strikes the government won’t give a damn about 99.9% of us.
If the SHTF we’re on our own.
When you’re armed with this report you’ll know how to survive the 20 most common infections and diseases you’ll face during a crisis.
If the worst case scenario goes down, these infections and diseases will account for more than 95% of medical fatalities.
You’ll only get these two reports when you order The Lost Book Of Remedies directly from Claude Davis’ website.
You will also have the option to get a free digital copy of The Lost Book Of Remedies that you’ll have instant access to when you pick a hardcover copy of the book directly from Claude Davis.
What’s Bad About This Book
I have so many good things to say about this book.
I feel it belongs on the shelf of every man and women who wants to embrace the freedom that comes with knowing you can survive off the land.
However, there is work involved.
You won’t become an expert on medicinal plants overnight. You’ll have to study the book carefully.
Harvesting the plants or growing your own will also take work.
Are you willing to put in the work?
If so, your reward will be personal empowerment in knowing you can survive a crisis situation and care for your family and community.
If you’re committed to absorbing everything in this book, the link below shows you where to get The Lost Book Of Remedies hardcover book along with the free digital version and the two free guides.
Plus, when you order on the author’s website and you’re covered by a better guarantee than you’ll get with Amazon.
Not that you’ll ever want to return this book, but in the event that you have to you’ll have 60 days to do so.
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