Bad Breath On The Master Cleanse

Bad breath can be one of the more unpleasant side effects you experience on the master cleanse. This reader was wondering if there’s any way to deal with it…


I am on day 6 of the MC (Including the pre-MC three day steps) and I feel great. The caffeine withdrawal headaches are gone and I haven’t had hunger pains since Sunday (today is Tuesday).

This is my first day back at work (snowstorm yesterday) and I forgot the cayenne pepper at home. I do have my 60 oz of lemonade with me and will drink it during the day.

Is there something I need to do to make up for the cayenne pepper ?

My other question is a little more personal but maybe others have the same problem so here it goes:

Is there anything I can take or do apart for brushing my teeth all the time (not good for the enamel) and gargling with mouth wash to make my breath smell better?

Any suggestions ?


To get rid of bad breath you need to focus on keeping your whole mouth clean, not just your teeth. As your body starts to cleanse itself most people will notice a white coating on their tongue. This white coating is a breeding ground for bacteria and a major source of bad breath. Using an inexpensive tongue scraper is a simple way to get rid of this white coating and prevent bad breath.


View Comments (7)

  • I haven't ordered the literature re: the MC program, but started the regime 3 days ago and am not confronting any problems yet? My question is, during the research I have done on the internet about the program I am coming across a substantial amount of legit concerns followers are running into once engaging the process, are these questions and answers covered in the literature you provide if we purchase the $37 package you offer on your web site? I have not found or read reviews about the actual books you sell, only about the success or problems clients are having. I'm interested in the content offered in your books. Can I get some feedback on this please? Thankyou for any info that will be passed along. Sincerely Yours, JayLynn

  • I reduced the maple syrup by 2/3 in the lemonade and started taking probiotics (vegan) on day 5 and that took care of the thrush on the tongue. Brushing the tongue gently with tea tree works very well to make it all pink again.

  • A Tungbrush and TungGel are great for removing the white coating on the tongue and freshening the breath. If there is a coating you better believe there is bacteria overgrowth. This bacteria release gases that manifest as bad breath. These products made a world of difference in my life!

  • I recently started the Master Cleanse Secrets and know that a detox should be undertaken at most 3 times a year, early in the new year, before the summer and winter months.

    Regular eating or drinking habits can commence soon after a detox, but it is recommended it should be eased into.

  • How often should one do the cleanse. I started the first day of Spring and will do for ten days. I read about coming off it. When can I have a glass of wine after doing the cleanse?

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