Start The New Year With A Master Cleasnse

It's New Years resolution time, and now more then ever people want to lose weight, break harmful addictions, and just…


Master Cleanse Dangers

The following question was sent in by a reader concerned about the possible dangers of going on the Master Cleanse...…


Weight Watchers With The Master Cleanse

Here's a good comment a reader posted that I thought I would share with everyone. It's about using Weight Watchers,…


The Power of Green Food

The benefits of green food such as spinach, leaf green vegetables, wheat grass, barley grass and blue-green algae will impress…


Graze instead of gorge

To get through the day without the crash and burn that comes from eating a big meal you should try…


Feel Great By Sitting For 10 Minutes

Today I thought I would share with you one of the most overlooked techniques you can use to feel great…


Filtered Water To Detox Your Body

Filtered water and body detoxification go hand in hand. If you're trying to flush waste out of your body it…


What Else Works Besides The Master Cleanse

As anyone who's tried the Master Cleanse knows it can be challenging. Today a reader asked if there's anything else…


The Difference Between Natural and Organic

I know many of you who read this blog eat a healthy diet, or are currently making an effort to…


Is Kevin Trudeau A Victom?

You probably know who Kevin Trudeau is. He's the "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" guy you…
