In my last post about dealing with master cleanse side effects Diane commented about sore teeth, and asked if there was anything that can be done about it.

Here’s the original comment:

Hello to you and thank you for the update on the master cleanse. I would like to say one thing that my sister and I both experienced on the master cleanse,We were both affected with our teeth.She had a hard time to endure the pain,and I had loose teeth that were very sore,painful to be more precise.But I am willing to put all that aside and do it again in the month of will be 4 months for me,I did get off of coffee but started up again on the toxins.My next goal is to stay off of coffee and maybe my sore back will not come back this time thank you for the letters

– Diane Bertin

Diane, the soreness in your teeth is from the lemons, and it’s common with people who have sensitive teeth. I have 2 suggestions that should help.

1. Drink the lemonade through a straw to avoid contact with your teeth.

2. When you finish a glass of lemonade rinse your mouth out with water.

This should cut back, or even eliminate any soreness with your teeth.

I hope this helps, and good luck with future cleanses.
– Raylen

9 Responses

  1. I strongly suggest everyone who interested in master cleanse is absolutely a must to read the book from cover to cover. The book called the complete master cleanse by tom woloshyn

  2. carola theaks for the tip on oil hepled the sensitive teeth issue ..also since it als detoxes I get a doulble whammy with the MC

  3. Hi everyone, I am on my 4th day of the MC and I’ve been drinking a laxative tea at night and doing the SWF in the morning. I read that what is released from your body during a BM is supposed to be very dark if not black in colour, almost like tar. Mine is not like that at all – it just looks like slightly dark coloured water…does that mean it’s not working properly? Any advice is appreciated!

  4. Am I allowed to comment? I used to have tremendously sensitive teeth until I began to practice an Ayurvedic technique called “oil pulling.” You can look it up on the Internet. It works really well for me (I don’t do it every day, though!), and is very inexpensive though slightly time-consuming. You might try this!

  5. Can you use laxatives? Yes you can. You should follow the directions if you can but it’s important to get that bowel movement to flush out the toxins which are circulating in your blood. If you don’t they keep circulating and don;t go anywhere causing more harm than good. But if you eliminate then it’s more good than harm, considerably.

    Can you exercise? Sure. Go for it. Some will say nothing to strenuous but it is up to you. If you feel a little weak then add more Maple syrup to your drink. The extra sugar will give you more energy.
    As for needing protein to build your muscles if you weight train, who knows. It’s probably right however the body may(not sure many different “facts'(opinions) on this) be able to use the nitrogen and oxygen in the air along with the energy from fat stores to synthesise a little muscle.

    For the sore teeth I am afraid I get it too. Plenty of brushing your teeth is wise. Maybe more times a day if possible.

    For the SWF (salt water flush) take a lemon and cut it in half. Take a sip of the SWF and immediately after swallowing the water run the lemon on your tongue. Swirl it around. Do this the entire 1 litre of salt water. Go slow. Don;t gag.
    After it’s all in, don;t fart. It will not be a fart. Also hold it in a little bit if possible so more toxins and debris are collected and moved through the colon. I normally sit near the toilet on my iPad until its about to happen and then I go in. If you sit on the toilet you will be more likely to go straight away which won;t be as much benefit.

    Good luck.

  6. Hi, I found the master cleanse makes my teeth hurt. Thanks you for the recommondations on rinsing. I found I was not eleminating either so I called the man who wrote the book, his name is Tom and he told me to get other forms of laxatives. The one I tried was Dr. Schultz he is oneline and that really helped. Never have I eliminated more then 2x in a day. Hope that is not dangerous. I am on day 5 and it has been a challange.
    Oh can u exercise on this cleanse? And how do you respond to others on this site?

  7. I did MC for 2 days but i never had a bowel movement ,because i was not able to do SWF and never had the laxative tea, but the lemonade was OK . Can i do the MC with laxative tablets,or will it be of no use. I really want to do MC any suggestions for me. Thanx

  8. Well I have been the cleanse for the last two years and it has made a tremendous difference in my life. My teeth had began to shift before I started the cleanse but after I began the cleanse my teeth actually began to go back in the proper order that they had orginally started.

    Also the last time I did the cleanse, I do it twice a year. My stomache shrunked for the very first time and since then I began to lose weight. I love it!!! And I want to say thank you also I also had a lot of energy afterwards and during. “But like you said everyone is different.”



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