Pumpkin smoothies are a tasty (and healthy) Halloween treat I think you’ll enjoy.

I whipped some up for a few friends last night using the recipe in the video below, and they absolutely loved them!

Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe:
1 cup of almond milk ( or your choice of milk)
1 cup chilled pure pumpkin puree
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder..
1 cup of frozen banana
pinch of salt
1/2 vanilla bean or 1 teasp vanilla extract
pinch of cinnamon or to taste
smidgen of nutmeg if you like
2 teasp or LESS of Agave or sweeter of choice to taste
1 tablespoon of chia seeds ( or flax seed)

If you’re going to try making this, or any other smoothies, it’s important to use a good blender. A low quality blender will give you lumpy smoothies. A good blender will make smoothies with a nice velvety texture.

I use a Blendtec blender. It wasn’t cheap, but after comparing it to a cheap blender you’ll find it to be well worth the extra money.

The Bledntec is also great for making soups, salad dressing, and homemade sauces with no preservatives. I made some hot sauce the other day using fresh, organic habanero peppers that was out of sight!

A more affordable blender that I’ve heard good things about is a KitchenAid 5-speed blender. It’s a notch below the Blendtec in terms of quality, and only comes with a 1 year warranty (the Blendtec comes with a 7 year warranty), but for less than a quarter of the price it’s a great blender for the money.

If you have any tasty smoothie recipes you would like to share, please do so in the comment section below.

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